Car thefts are still common in the UK, with an increasing number of vehicles being stolen from driveways year on year. Keyless car theft has been blamed for this increase. According to 2022 statistics, a vehicle is stolen somewhere in the UK about every five minutes, at a national average rate of 146.63 per 100,000 people.

Somewhat more worrying is that, from research done by Direct Line Car Insurance, it was revealed that the total value of stolen cars and parts in the UK over the last three years had reached £744 million.

This might make you wonder: What car anti-theft devices are available that can deter thieves from taking your car? In this guide, we will explore how to prevent car theft and what car theft prevention methods you should use.

How to prevent car theft at home/work

Metropolitan Police have suggested general ways you can prevent car theft. These include:

  • Make sure your vehicle is locked
  • Keep your car keys safe
  • Park responsibly
  • Fit good in-car security locks
  • Double-check electronic locking
  • Check for vehicle cloning
  • Secure your port

Devices to use to prevent car theft

As well as general ways to prevent vehicle theft, there are car anti-theft devices that you can purchase to help prevent your vehicle from being stolen.


Barriers can be used to help control who can enter and exit a parking area. Specifically, car park barriers can give you long-term security benefits, as they present an imposing obstacle for thieves to overcome if they want to take your vehicle.

At Metal Products Direct, we have a wide selection of barriers for you to choose from. These range from bolt down galvanised barriers to stainless steel tubular handrails.


The installation of bollards is an effective solution in many vehicle security situations. A good-quality bollard will completely block a vehicle’s movement. It also cannot be manipulated or cut through in any way, so thieves will be unable to get your vehicle out of your driveway. This means they won’t be able to steal it.

You can find a great selection of bollards at Metal Products Direct. We stock both stainless steel and galvanised steel options, so you can rest assured that they will be able to withstand and absorb impacts or accidental bumps and scrapes.

Removable bollards

Perhaps more convenient than standard bollards are removable bollards. These essentially perform the same job as standard bollards, as they are able to withstand heavy impacts and cannot be manipulated or cut through. This means that thieves will struggle to steal your vehicle from your driveway upon installation.

What makes removable bollards so ideal is that they are able to be laid flat with the use of a key to allow your vehicle into a space. Once your vehicle is parked up, you can then re-attach the bollard to prevent theft.

We have a wide range of removable bollards available in our shop.

Theft protection and more with Metal Products Direct

We offer a wide range of high-quality parking barriers and bollards at Metal Products Direct, which have been made in Manchester, UK. These are built and installed with the main goal of keeping your property safe and preventing theft.

We also offer many other safety equipment options, including stainless and galvanised steel in a number of materials and variations. When it comes to producing metal products that will keep you protected, nobody does it like Metal Products Direct.

Contact us today to find out more about the high-quality products we offer.

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